The study examines the influence of graphics in the newspaper publication with focus on the Punch newspaper. Graphics plays a very prominent role in newspaper and in the print media generally. It communicates messages even to the illiterates. Findings show that graphics draw the attention of readers to the most prominent news and issue especially when placed at the front page of a newspaper while it also used to set agenda on what public will debate upon that day. In fact, the headline scanners and graphics scanner always find it easy to know the most important news of the day. Without much emphasis, graphic communicate message than what a thousand words could tell. For the purpose of this paper, the researcher employed the use of survey method. The data collection instrument used is questionnaire in eliciting data from the respondents. Findings show that respondents easily remember news that is accompanied with graphics and graphics enticed and persuaded readers to read or buy newspapers because it beautify and add aesthetic values to the newspaper pages. It is also recommended that print media should always use only important graphics that can tell their stories with ambiguity.